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Occupied Palestinian territory



GAZA: Aid agencies and medical professionals warn of dangers of a mass polio outbreak without urgent action, endangering a generation of children

Aid agencies and medical professionals have joined forces to call urgently for a ceasefire to allow life-saving polio vaccinations to be administered

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Gaza: New Israeli orders force thousands in Deir al-Balah to flee again, and disrupt last aid hub

New displacement orders issued by Israeli authorities have forced another mass movement of families and humanitarian workers.

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STAFF ACCOUNT: The Aid Worker Dilemma - Provide Care and Stay Alive in Gaza

Save the Children staff account from a physician who has dedicated his medical skills to helping children in Gaza.

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Children among more than 100 killed in Gaza in worst school attack in 10 months

Save the Children press release Gaza school airstrike 100 killed children

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Staff account: “The level of human suffering was absolutely mind blowing”: A Paediatric Nurse's account on the Devastating Impact of War on Children in Gaza

Harrowing testimony by a paediatric nurse on her deployment to Gaza to support our medical and humanitarian efforts.

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GAZA: Nearly 300 days into the war, attacks on 'humanitarian zones', never-ending relocation orders and aid worker fatalities cripple aid delivery

Intensified Israeli airstrikes in areas of Gaza have drastically impeded the ability to deliver life-saving supplies

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Statement on attacks in Khan Younis that killed at least 84 people including 24 children

“Nearly 10 months into this horrifying war, the devastation to children’s lives and disregard for legal protections has not ended"

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Physical abuse, infectious disease spreading as conditions for Palestinian children in Israeli military detention deteriorate

Press release on physical abuse, disease and sexual violence spreading in Israeli-run prisons.

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Women self-inducing labour and facing life-threatening complications in pregnancy after nine months of Gaza conflict

An estimated 50,000 babies have been born in Gaza over nine months of conflict, with many women giving birth in traumatic, unhygienic and undignified conditions

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Why are children in Gaza and Sudan at risk of famine?

Hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza and Sudan are at risk of famine. But what does that mean exactly?

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Devastating new figures reveal Gaza’s child hunger catastrophe

Devastating new figures reveal Gaza’s child hunger catastrophe

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Gaza's missing children: Over 20,000 children estimated to be lost, disappeared, detained, buried under the rubble or in mass graves

Gaza's missing children: Over 20,000 children estimated to be lost, disappeared, detained, buried under the rubble or in mass graves

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Formal mechanism to monitor and report on crimes against children in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel must be established, after perpetrators listed in flagship UN Report – Save the Children

Formal mechanism to monitor and report on crimes against children in the occupied Palestinian territory must be established, after perpetrators listed

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UN ceasefire resolution must be enacted immediately to protect children from further violence and starvation - Save the Children

Statement - Save the Children IMMEDIATE RELEASE UN ceasefire resolution must be enacted immediately to protect children from further violence and s

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At least 66 people including children killed in four days of attacks on “safe zones” in Rafah

Attacks on ‘humanitarian areas’ highlight fallacy of the claim that civilians are safe anywhere in Gaza

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GAZA: New crossing points and ‘floating dock’ are cosmetic changes, as humanitarian access disintegrates in Gaza, warn aid agencies

As Israeli attacks intensify on Rafah, the unpredictable trickle of aid into Gaza has created a mirage of improved access.

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GAZA: Families fleeing Rafah say they are being ‘killed slowly’ as forced to move again

Many Families in Gaza are being forced to flee for the fifth time in seven months while supporting elderly relative and injured children as Israeli fo

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STAFF ACCOUNT: I’ve seen Gaza’s horrors – now is not the time for the world to look away

Testimony by Sacha Myers on her visit to the Gaza Strip where she saw the real horrors of this war and its impact on children.

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“It’s not safe and it’s not clean, but people believe they are leaving something worse behind” - Families flee Rafah for areas with no services

Press release on Thousands of children and their families who are desperately trying to flee Rafah

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Gaza: Critical aid supplies to keep children alive blocked as Israel takes over final land crossing - Save the Children

The closures will have catastrophic consequences for children and families

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Save the Children warns of deadly consequences for children following new relocation orders for families in Rafah

The orders follow a night of intense bombardment in Rafah, killing at least 22 people including eight children

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GAZA: Injured children struggling to recover amid decimated health system after witnessing horrific scenes

Over six months of war in Gaza, the rate of attacks on healthcare in Gaza has been higher than in any other recent conflict globally

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GAZA: Aid workers find ghost town and children living amid rubble in Khan Younis

PR on destruction in Khan Younis and children digging in rubble

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GAZA STAFF ACCOUNT: The Reality of the Humanitarian Catastrophe

Words by Soraya Ali, an award-wining humanitarian and journalist on her visit to Gaza where she captures the war's impact on children.

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‘Nowhere is safe’ for children in the occupied Palestinian territory with at least 24 children killed in Gaza and the West Bank

The escalating violence comes as civilians in both Gaza and the West Bank are increasingly unprotected

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Gaza: Rate of attacks on healthcare higher than in any other conflict globally since 2018

Health workers report an influx of children with wounds and lost limbs, often needing skin grafting and multiple operations

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Education under attack in Gaza, with nearly 90% of school buildings damaged or destroyed

All schools in Gaza have been closed for 625,000 students for 6 months. 87.7% of all school buildings in Gaza have been damaged or destroyed.

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Over 250 Humanitarian and Human Rights Organisations join call to end Arms Transfers to Israel, Palestinian Armed Groups

Statement to stop sending weapons to Palestinian and Israeli armed groups

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Bisan: 6 months of war in Gaza

A month-by-month account of Bisan's experiences of 6 months of war in Gaza.

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Over 2% of Gaza’s child population killed or injured in six months of war

Nearly 26,000 children – or just over two percent of Gaza’s child population – have been killed or injured in Gaza in six months of a war which has decimated the health system and severed access to education

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Time is running out for international action to protect civilians and prevent atrocity crimes in Rafah, as UN Security Council resolution is ignored

Time is running out for action to protect civilians and prevent atrocity crimes in Rafah

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“It’s not fair to die of hunger” - The lives of malnourished children in Gaza endangered by obliteration and obstruction of medical care

Malnourished children in Gaza are not getting the food and medical care they need to survive

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Queen Rania Meets with Save the Children CEO for Update on Children in Gaza

Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah met on Wednesday with the CEO of Save the Children International Inger Ashing

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The more than one million children trapped in Gaza have been granted the hope of a brief respite today.

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The decision by Israeli authorities to reject United Nations Relief and UNRWA food convoys into northern Gaza will accelerate the risk of famine.

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The more than one million children trapped in Gaza will continue to be exposed to bombs, guns and starvation

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“I am seeing my son dying and I can’t do anything”: Children and families in Northern Gaza just weeks away from famine

Save the Children press release on hunger in Gaza showing children and families facing imminent famine

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This Ramadan in Gaza, there will be no dates to break the fast.

Five months into this war, conditions to provide food to children in Gaza are getting worse. This Ramadan in Gaza, things are the wrong way round.

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“Complete psychological destruction”: Children in Gaza have suffered “relentless mental harm” during five months of war – Save the Children

Five months of violence, displacement, starvation and disease on top of nearly 17 years of a blockade have caused relentless mental harm to children in Gaza

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Alternative aid delivery in Gaza: children do not have time to wait - Save the Children

Save the Children press release on alternative aid delivery including ports and airdrops

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Joint NGO Statement: as UN General Assembly meets to discuss the situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, Member States must restore funding to UNRWA

Joint statement pushing UN member states to resume UNRWA funding

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“While children die from lack of food, their parents are killed trying to get it for them” - Save the Children

Save the Children statement on people killed in Gaza queuing for food aid

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Palestinian children in Israeli military detention report increasingly violent conditions

The Palestinian Commission has said that conditions for children held in prisons have significantly deteriorated

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Gaza: Time running out with reports emerging of children dying due to a lack of food – Save the Children

Press release on hunger in Gaza as reports emerge of children dying from lack of food

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When words fail, we must turn to the law

A crisis. A horror. A tragedy. All words we’ve heard many times over to describe the situation in Gaza. All woefully insufficient.

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Gaza: Families forced to forage for food left by rats as 1.1 million children face starvation

families in Gaza are forced to forage for scraps of food left by rats and eating leaves out of desperation to survive with nearly five months of war

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No respite for children and families in Gaza as UN Security Council ceasefire resolution fails to pass

Statement on UNSC vote on ceasefire in Gaza, with quote by CD Jason Lee

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“GRAVE VIOLATIONS AGAINST CHILDREN MUST STOP”- Statement by Save the Children CEO Inger Ashing

The war in Gaza now stands among the deadliest and most destructive in recent history and has led to a litany of grave violations against children

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Joint Statement on Conflict-Induced Hunger in Gaza

We, the signatories of this statement, call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and a massive increase in humanitarian assistance to avoid famine

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Majority of Gaza’s children now trapped in land area less than a fifth of enclave’s total land mass as Israeli military expands into Rafah

Majority of Gaza’s children now trapped in land area less than a fifth of enclave’s total land mass as Israeli military expands into Rafah

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What is life like for children in Gaza?

Imagine it this haven't even been born yet. Your mother is so stressed she goes into premature labour.

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UNRWA funding cuts threaten Palestinian lives in Gaza and region, say NGOs

Save the Children joins about 20 other NGOs to call for an immediate reversal of UNRWA funding suspensions.

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An Open Call to all UN Member States to stop fuelling the crisis in Gaza and avert further humanitarian catastrophe and loss of civilian life

We, the undersigned organisations, call on all States to immediately halt the transfer of weapons, parts, ammunition to Israel and Palestinian groups

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Instead of learning in school, Gaza’s children are forced to learn how to survive bombs and hunger

Children in Gaza are not learning. They are just forced to survive one of the most destructive bombing campaigns in history.

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GAZA: 10,000 children killed in nearly 100 days of war

Press release on number of children killed in 100 days of war in Gaza, and grave violations against children.

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GAZA: Blocking food supplies to Gaza will have life-long impacts on children with malnutrition rising

Denying children in Gaza access to food will have lifelong consequences for Palestinian children with rising numbers at risk of malnutrition

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GAZA: More than 10 children a day lose a limb in three months of brutal conflict

More than 10 children per day, on average, have lost one or both of their legs in Gaza since conflict erupted three months ago, said Save the Children

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No safe place in Gaza: 14 killed, mostly children, by Israeli airstrikes near so-called “humanitarian zone” Al-Mawasi

Fourteen people, the majority of them children under 10 years old, were reportedly killed by Israeli airstrikes near Al-Mawasi this morning.

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Statement in response to the UN Security Council’s vote to pass a resolution on aid delivery in Gaza

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About 893,000 children are likely to now be internally displaced in Gaza, meaning an average of nearly 12,000 children a day have been forced to flee

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Israeli siege and bombardment threaten Gaza with ‘risk of famine’

The Government of Israel’s military actions are pushing children and families in Gaza towards famine, Save the Children warned today

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The fifth and longest communication blackout across the Gaza Strip since 7 October is limiting aid to more than 1 million people in need.

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Deaths by starvation and disease may top deaths by bombs as families squeezed into deadly “safe zones”, two months into Gaza crisis 

Save the Children press release on how deaths by starvation and disease may top deaths by bombs in Gaza two months into the crisis

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UN Security Council must reconvene and pass resolution for ceasefire – Aid agencies

Joint aid agencies statement on failure of the UN Security Council to authorise resolution demanding humanitarian ceasefire

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STAFF ACCOUNT: “There is tension and fear in the air, that we are waiting, waiting for something worse to happen."

STAFF ACCOUNT: “There is tension and fear in the air, that we are waiting, waiting for something worse to happen.

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Water shortages linked to climate change exacerbating the risks to children in Gaza conflict – Save the Children

Water shortages linked to climate change exacerbating the risks to children in Gaza conflict – Save the Children

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Behind the pretence of safety: How children across the whole of Gaza have nowhere safe to go

Save the Children’s Country Director of the occupied Palestinian territory shares his experience of visiting Gaza.

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‘Nowhere to go’ - Over one million children in Gaza at risk of being killed

‘Nowhere to go’ - Over one million children in Gaza at risk of being killed

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Save the Children says failure to extend pause is a death sentence for children as bombardment of Gaza resumes

Save the Children says failure to extend pause is a death sentence for children as bombardment of Gaza resumes

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At least 101 children killed in the West Bank this year

An eight-year-old boy shot dead in the street is one of the most recent casualties of violence in the occupied West Bank.

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GAZA: Repeated diplomatic failures continue to cost thousands of children’s lives says Save the Children ahead of UN Security Council meeting

GAZA: Repeated diplomatic failures continue to cost thousands of children’s lives says Save the Children ahead of UN Security Council meeting

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GAZA: Extension of humanitarian pause another step in the right direction but still falls far short of providing safety and supplies desperately needed by children

The agreed extension of the four-day pause in fighting by two days is welcome news but children in Gaza won’t be safe without a lasting ceasefire.

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Save the Children has welcomed the release of some Israeli children and some Palestinian children.

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GAZA: Save the Children welcomes temporary truce and hostage release but warns children won’t be safe without a ceasefire

GAZA: Save the Children welcomes temporary truce and hostage release but warns children won’t be safe without a ceasefire

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BORN INTO WAR: About 15,000 babies expected to be born into crisis in Gaza by end of 2023

About 15,000 babies are expected to be born in Gaza between 7 October and the end of 2023

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Aid agencies operating in Gaza issued an urgent warning on Monday that fuel reserves critical for aid operations have run out.

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People sheltering in Gaza schools, hospitals must be protected, says Save the Children, after four hospitals hit in a day

Attacks on hospitals and schools in Gaza where the UN says nearly one million civilians are sheltering must stop, Save the Children said on Friday fol

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Children’s mental health in Gaza pushed beyond breaking point after nearly a month of siege and bombardment

A month of relentless bombardment of densely populated civilian areas has exacerbated the already-critical mental health crisis for Gaza’s children

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At least 41 children killed in West Bank as violence spikes

Save the Children press release about children killed in West Bank

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Stories from Gaza: what it means to be displaced

Save the children staff member tells of what it is really like to be a displaced person in Gaza right now.

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Op-ed describing the dire situation faced by civilians and children in Gaza right now

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‘How many trucks would be needed to carry 3,300 child-sized coffins?’

Testimony of Save the Children colleague in opt describing the pain and guilt she feels when seeing the terror and devastation in Gaza.

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Save the Children aid arrives in Gaza, nowhere near meeting scale of need

One truck carrying 45,000 bottles of water from Save the Children has arrived in Gaza today, as part of the small group of aid trucks which have been

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GAZA: 3,195 children killed in three weeks surpasses annual number of children killed in conflict zones since 2019

The number of children reported killed in Gaza in just three weeks has surpassed the annual number of children killed across conflict zones

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‘Expanded ground operation’ in Gaza puts even more children’s lives on the line – Save the Children

Press release on expanded ground operation in Gaza by Israeli forces.

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GAZA: UN Security Council vetoes another resolution as 360,000 people sign petition calling for ceasefire

The UN Security Council has vetoed yet another ceasefire resolution for Gaza and Israel, in a major blow to children and families seeking an urgent en

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“They bombed next to us”: Stories from Save the Children Staff in Gaza

As the violence continues in Gaza, civilians continue to pay the heaviest price. These are the testimonies of Save the Children staff.

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Over 800 children missing under the rubble in Gaza as rescue efforts hindered by ongoing bombardment and siege

At least 870 children are missing in Gaza and feared trapped under the rubble of collapsed buildings

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At least 2000 children killed in Gaza as airstrikes continue unabated

At least 2,000 children killed in Gaza as airstrikes continue unabated

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The lives of a million children in Gaza hang in the balance as public health catastrophe looms

Save the Children is calling for urgent medical evacuations of children from Gaza

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Save the Children says schools and hospitals cannot be a target as at least 500 people killed in Gaza

Save the Children is appalled by an attack on a school and a hospital in Gaza today, which has reportedly killed several hundred civilians and calls f

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Save the Children calls for a ceasefire in Gaza as casualties soar and water runs out

Save the Children calls for a ceasefire in Gaza as casualties soar and water runs out

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Staff Account from Gaza: "We are rationing water bottles. Food is running out. The wounded and sick cannot be treated"

Testimony of a Save the Children staff member currently seeking refuge in Gaza.

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Save the Children staff member in Gaza who is on the move with three children all aged under 10.

Quote from a long-standing Save the Children staff member in Gaza who is on the move with three children all aged under 10.

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Urgent plea to avert unprecedented humanitarian crisis amid looming Israeli land incursion into Gaza

Humanitarian agencies operating in Gaza are reporting an unfolding humanitarian crisis on an unprecedented scale. There are not adequate facilities to

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STATEMENT - Save the Children CEO calls for the protection of children in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory

Save the Children International CEO Inger Ashing:“We are extremely concerned about the worsening situation in the oPt & Israel.

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“Children are paying the heaviest price as violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory escalates”

As the escalation in Israel and Gaza intensifies, the number of children caught up in the violence is soaring.

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2023 marks deadliest year on record for children in the occupied West Bank

2023 marks deadliest year on record for children in the occupied West Bank

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“I can’t run, play, or get treatment” - Two children a day in Gaza unable to access medical treatment due to 16 year blockade

In the first six months of 2023, nearly 400 children in Gaza – or at least two children a day - were denied access to critical healthcare

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Stripped, beaten and blindfolded: new research reveals ongoing violence and abuse of Palestinian children detained by Israeli military

Save the Children have issued a report on Palestinian children in Israeli military detention

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Statement on the escalating situation in the West Bank

Statement on the escalating situation in the West Bank including quote

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Food aid suspension due to Gaza escalation of violence could leave thousands of Palestinians hungry

A press release on the escalation of violence in Gaza and its impact on food aid

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Schools closed and children too terrified to sleep as new round of violence hits Gaza

A press release on the latest escalation of violence in Gaza

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Reactive statement on Gaza airstrikes that killed at least 4 children

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2022 becomes the deadliest year for Palestinian children in the West Bank in over 15 years – Save the Children

Save the Children is calling for an immediate end of the use of live ammunition against children.

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Save the Children statement

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After 15 years of blockade, four out of five children in Gaza say they are living with depression, grief and fear

Fifteen years of life under blockade has left four out of five children in the Gaza Strip reporting that they live with depression, grief and fear.

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Services to children will be hit hard by outlawing six Palestinian groups in the West Bank: Save the Children

Services to children will be hit hard by outlawing six Palestinian groups in the West Bank: Save the Children

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West Bank: Save the Children condemns violence against children after three deaths in one week

West Bank: Save the Children condemns violence against children after three deaths in one week

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West Bank and East Jerusalem: Four out of five children feel ‘abandoned by the world’ after their home is demolished

West Bank and East Jerusalem: Four out of five children feel ‘abandoned by the world’ after their home is demolished

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Malala Yousafzai donates $150,000 for children in Gaza

Malala Yousafzai donates $150,000 for children in Gaza

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Children in Gaza conflict will suffer for years to come

Children in Gaza are suffering from fear and anxiety, a lack of sleep, and are displaying worrying signs of distress

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Save the Children’s statement on the ceasefire announced in Gaza and Israel

Save the Children’s statement on the ceasefire announced in Gaza and Israel

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Palestinian and Israeli children deserve better

Palestinian and Israeli children deserve better

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Fifty schools in Gaza and three in Israel have been damaged in the last week – Save the Children

Fifty schools in Gaza and three in Israel have been damaged in the last week – Save the Children

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Almost 60 children killed in Gaza in the last week alone

Almost 60 children killed in Gaza in the last week alone

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Gaza and southern Israel: More than 30 children have been killed

Gaza and southern Israel: More than 30 children have been killed

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14 Palestinian children and one Israeli child killed: “It was the worst night of my life”

14 Palestinian children and one Israeli child killed: “It was the worst night of my life”

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Concerns about escalating violence and threat to children in occupied West Bank

Concerns about escalating violence and threat to children in occupied West Bank

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Number of displaced Palestinian children at a four-year high as demolitions in West Bank continue

Number of displaced Palestinian children at a four-year high as demolitions in West Bank continue

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“Treated like animals”: Palestinian children face inhumane treatment in Israeli-run prisons

Children in the Israeli military detention system face inhumane treatment such as beatings, strip searches, psychological abuse.

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We should never give up on our rights

We should never give up on our rights

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Gaza’s children face Covid-19 spike amid power shutdown and ongoing airstrikes

Gaza’s children face Covid-19 spike amid power shutdown and ongoing airstrikes

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‘Denial of healthcare outside Gaza is a death sentence for children’: Save the Children

‘Denial of healthcare outside Gaza is a death sentence for children’: Save the Children

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Sharing dreams, hopes and fears: Children’s poems of life in lockdown

Sharing dreams, hopes and fears: Children’s poems of life in lockdown

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What it means to be a Palestinian child in an Israeli prison in Coronavirus times

Former child detainees have told us that the conditions in which they are held in Israeli prisons are horrific

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After tear gas use against West Bank students double, coronavirus restrictions see incidents drop to zero

After tear gas use against West Bank students double, coronavirus restrictions see incidents drop to zero

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“We are not ready in Gaza to face coronavirus”: Jana’s* story

“We are not ready in Gaza to face coronavirus”: Jana’s* story

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More than 15 million children and their families in Yemen, Syria and Gaza set to face COVID-19 with fewer than 1,700 ventilators and beds

More than 15 million children and their families in Yemen, Syria and Gaza set to face COVID-19 with fewer than 1,700 ventilators and beds

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Photo series: The Female Experience of War

Photo series: The Female Experience of War

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Fears grow for Palestinian children enduring new wave of instability following Middle East ‘Peace Proposal’

Fears grow for Palestinian children enduring new wave of instability following Middle East ‘Peace Proposal’

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Schools closed in Gaza and Israel as eight Palestinian children are killed

Schools closed in Gaza and Israel as eight Palestinian children are killed

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Three Palestinian children killed and one Israeli child injured following escalations in Gaza and Southern Israel

Three Palestinian children killed and one Israeli child injured following escalations in Gaza and Southern Israel

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Gaza Escalation: “I feel like my family is a sitting target”

Gaza Escalation: “I feel like my family is a sitting target”

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Gaza protests: Number of children killed in protests reaches 50

Gaza protests: Number of children killed in protests reaches 50

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Gaza protests one year on: Almost 3,000 children injured in Gaza protests required hospital treatment

Gaza protests one year on: Almost 3,000 children injured in Gaza protests required hospital treatment

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Statement on Gaza escalation last night

Statement on Gaza escalation last night

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Statement on rockets fired into Tel Aviv in the early hours of this morning

Statement on rockets fired into Tel Aviv in the early hours of this morning

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Statement on Gaza rocket fired into Tel Aviv on Wednesday and 100 targeted strikes

Statement on Gaza rocket fired into Tel Aviv on Wednesday and 100 targeted strikes

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Number of foreign children in North-East Syria camps up almost 45% in less than a month

Number of foreign children in North-East Syria camps up almost 45% in less than a month

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Hebron monitors: aid organisations raise the alarm at increased risks to civilians

Hebron monitors: aid organisations raise the alarm at increased risks to civilians

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Gaza Audio statement and Spokesperson

Gaza Audio statement and Spokesperson

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Gaza protests: Futures of nearly 1,000 children shot by live ammunition hang in the balance amid strained health system

Gaza protests: Futures of nearly 1,000 children shot by live ammunition hang in the balance amid strained health system

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Halting the escalation of violence against children in Gaza

Halting the escalation of violence against children in Gaza

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Right of Education for 1 million Palestinian children at risk

Right of Education for 1 million Palestinian children at risk

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Calling for greater protection of schools and children's right to education

Calling for greater protection of schools and children's right to education

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