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Fatima* 14 Bangladesh

Believe in yourself, play sport, draw: Child refugees advice to children fleeing Ukraine

Believe in yourself, play sport, draw: Child refugees advice to children fleeing Ukraine

Pictured: Fatima* 14 from Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.

With the war in Ukraine forcing at least 2.8 million children to flee the country, child refugees from three of the toughest conflict zones across the world have shared their advice on how to cope with the trauma of war, urging them to be positive. 


Refugees from Syria, Myanmar, and South Sudan each shared their experiences of the devastating impact that conflict has had on their lives, but crucially how they managed to find hope even in the darkest of times.   

Over 450 million children now live in areas affected by conflict across the world, roughly 1 in 6 children, according to the latest statistics. Many have known nothing but war, which has had a devastating impact on both their physical and mental health.  

In Save the Children’s latest needs assessment of families in Ukraine, 85% of the respondents,1 said they needed psychosocial support. The report also revealed heartbreaking accounts of children unable to sleep, being constantly afraid, crying and not wanting to leave bomb shelters. 

Two-thirds of the 7.5 million children in Ukraine have been forced from their homes since the war escalated on 24 February. 

Globally the charity estimates 224 million children living in high intensity conflict could be experiencing significant distress and mental health disorders. Despite this, child protection in emergencies, education in emergencies and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) are critically underfunded. 

Each of the children shared how they coped with their experiences such as support from close family, sport and support from organisations like Save the Children: 

Ghaith*, 18, Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan. 


Ghaith* and his family fled Syria at the height of the brutal war in 2013. Ghaith* witnessed things no child ever should, such as shelling, his uncle being murdered, and four cousins being killed. He was out of school for more than a year when he came to Jordan. In the beginning, Ghaith* and his family lived in tents in precarious living conditions. When asked about what helped him deal with the trauma of what he saw in Syria Ghaith* says it was having his family close to him, and someone like his father to guide him and give him support. He has a message of solidarity for the children of Ukraine, and says they need support and education to overcome what they have been through. Ghaith says they should be given all the support they need to forget about their past and look forward to the future. Since moving to Za’atari camp and joining Save the Children and The Arsenal Foundation’s Coaching for Life programme, he has experienced a better quality of life. He describes the programme as ‘fun’ and has made friends, learnt how to better deal with challenging emotions, and improved his overall wellbeing.

Ghaith* and his family fled Syria at the height of the brutal war in 2013. He witnessed things no child ever should, such as shelling, and his uncle and four cousins being murdered. He is now part of Save the Children and The Arsenal Foundation’s “Coaching for Life” programme in Zaatari refugee camp, where bespoke football coaching sessions help him to process his emotions and improve his mental wellbeing. 

What helped me the most was having my family close to me, and someone older than me to guide me.   

“We should provide them (refugees from Ukraine) with help, such as Save the Children, that changes the lives of children, and promises children better days in the future. 

They need support, and education and to have better prospects, like playing sports, and whatever they need to forget about their past and to hope for a better future.” 

Fatima*, 14, Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh 

Fatima* was forced to flee to neighbouring Bangladesh when she was nine years old after her home was burnt to the ground when her village was attacked. She was given psychosocial support to help her recover from the horrors she had witnessed. For over a year she struggled to cope. She is now in school living in the world’s largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazaar.   

Do not be afraid, believe in yourself. I have been through this; I can feel what is going through you. Everything will be fine and one day you will be back to your home like you used to be. We should keep hope alive and try to be positive. 

“Children should be kept away from things which remind them of the sorrow and horrors of conflict. The sound of (loud bangs) like gun shots affect children the most who have been in war.” 

Daniel*, 16, Northern Uganda 


16-year-old Daniel* lives in a refugee camp in Uganda. Five years ago, at the age of just 11-years-old, he was forced to flee his home in South Sudan after conflict broke out. Daniel* clearly remembers the impact that the war had on his home country and has vivid memories of hunger, sickness and violence. Speaking of what he witnessed, Daniel* says, “Sometimes I break down and cry. You cry from within because of the things that have happened.” Life in Uganda is safer for Daniel* and he now has access to an education and healthcare, but like the children of Ukraine, Daniel* knows the pain that comes with witnessing conflict and having to leave your home behind. Daniel* has benefited from advice from Save the Children to help him deal with some of his past experiences and now, Daniel* wants to pass on some of what he’s learned to the children of Ukraine. “You do not have to go back to where you came from. Help is coming,” are Daniel*’s words of hope to Ukrainian children. He continues, “I have been through it. I also ran away like you and I have made it through.” Daniel* also suggests that children from should play sports like football or netball and draw to help them forget about the past.

Five years ago, at the age of 11, Daniel* was forced to flee his home in South Sudan due to  conflict. 

Speaking of what he witnessed, Daniel* said, “Sometimes I break down and cry. You cry from within because of the things that have happened. I have been through it. I also ran away like you and I have made it through. 

I advise thechildren from Ukraine toforget about all the challenges they have faced … playing football, netball, and drawing or painting helps me forget about the past.” 

Pete Walsh, Save the Children’s Ukraine Country Director, said;

These stories are a powerful reminder of the devastating impact conflict has on children’s lives, not just in Ukraine but across the world. Each one has been shared in solidarity to give children in Ukraine hope, from those who have lived through the horrors of war themselves. 

“Hundreds of millions are living in conflict across the world, robbing them of the childhood they deserve. All children should be given the right support to recover from the pain of what they have witnessed during war.”  

Save the Children staff and partners working in Ukraine and  neighbouring countries are seeing the psychological and emotional impacts of war on the children they are meeting with children arriving at reception centres showing worrying signs of severe distress.

Save the Children has been operating in Ukraine since 2014, delivering essential humanitarian aid to children and their families. With the help of local partners, Save the Children is providing shelter, food, cash, fuel, psychosocial support, baby, and hygiene kits to displaced families.

Save the Children has also set up safe spaces for children where they can play as well as emergency distribution tents at border crossings, transportation hubs, and reception centres in Romania, Poland, and Lithuania. Save the Children is also helping to provide child friendly space, emergency accommodation, psychological first aid, support for parents and reception centres in about 10 other European countries. 

* Names have been changed to protect their identities.

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