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Ratana, 12, reading at her home on Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia.

Every morning, 12-year-old Ratana sets off from her home on Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Lake by boat. She’s heading for a floating school supported by Save the Children – but she’s got a vital job to do before she gets there. As she rows she picks up friends along the way – and together they work to clear the rubbish that litters the lake. “When we row the boat to school we pick up the trash, and put it in our boat,” says Ratana. She and her friends care passionately about cleaning up the lake because of the eco lessons we’ve helped introduce to the school’s curriculum. “I have learned about pollution, deforestation, and garbage,” she explains. “I’ve learned how to clean the environment.” She is also spreading the word to her community about climate change and protecting the environment. “The elderly and adults should listen to children because we are now aware of the environment,” Ratana says. It is children like Ratana and her friends that are this fishing community’s best hope of saving their lake and livelihood. It is her generation that is leading the fightback against climate change across the world. Save the CHILDREN

Save the Children press release

HAITI: 600 children daily dodging gunfire as they flee Haitian capital in month of violence

Nearly 600 children a day on average have fled their homes in Port-au-Prince since early March as the capital faces renewed attacks.

Press Release Card

Vietnam’s El Niño-induced drought leaves about 73,900 households in Mekong River Delta with limited access to fresh water

About 73,900 households in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta have limited access to fresh water following a weeks-long heatwave. Save the Children.

Picture of refugee camp

‘Nowhere is safe’ for children in the occupied Palestinian territory with at least 24 children killed in Gaza and the West Bank

The escalating violence comes as civilians in both Gaza and the West Bank are increasingly unprotected

Image showing a child being measured.

NIGERIA: One in six children set to go hungry as kidnappings, conflict and rising prices push food out of reach

Around one in six – or 15.6 million – children in Nigeria are facing hunger in the lead up to the lean season, according to a new analysis.

save the children presss release

Warring states must walk the talk to reduce the use of explosive weapons in civilian areas– Save the Children

Warring states must walk the talk to reduce the use of explosive weapons in civilian areas– Save the Children

Picture of field hospital in Rafah, Gaza

Gaza: Rate of attacks on healthcare higher than in any other conflict globally since 2018

Health workers report an influx of children with wounds and lost limbs, often needing skin grafting and multiple operations

save the children presss release

Trapani enquiry: Case against Save the Children staff dismissed

The decision by an Italian court to dismiss a case against charities and their staff members running search and rescue missions in the Mediterranean i

Asma* and her family, who need support after returning to Afghanistan from Pakistan

Afghanistan: 250,000 children in need of food, homes and education after returning from Pakistan

Save the Children press release on families returning from Pakistan to Afghanistan