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VIETNAM: Back-to-school challenges ahead as flood-hit areas struggle to recover

As children in Vietnam prepare to head back to school, many face safety risks due to damaged infrastructure after floods. Save the Children.

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STAFF ACCOUNT: The Aid Worker Dilemma - Provide Care and Stay Alive in Gaza

Save the Children staff account from a physician who has dedicated his medical skills to helping children in Gaza.

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Save the Children press release mpox children five ways more vulnerable

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Children among more than 100 killed in Gaza in worst school attack in 10 months

Save the Children press release Gaza school airstrike 100 killed children

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INDIA: More than 1,580 children displaced in one of India’s deadliest landslides

Massive landslides in India’s southwestern Kerala state have killed more than 385 people. More than 1,580 children displaced. Save the Children.

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AFGHANISTAN: Extreme weather forces more people from their homes in first six months of 2024 than all 2023

Extreme weather events forced at least 38,000 people from their homes in Afghanistan in the first six month of this year

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Combatting Child Trafficking in Sri Lanka

The scale of human trafficking in Sri Lanka has risen alarmingly. Find out what Save the Children is doing to counteract this growing crisis.

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Ethiopia: More than 1,320 children remain at risk following week of deadly landslides

Hundreds of children living in the remote Gofa zone of Southern Ethiopia remain at risk of death and injury from rain-induced disasters

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How does extreme heat impact children?

After a year of record-breaking temperatures, it is important to understand how extreme heat affects children

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PHILIPPINES: School suspended after powerful storm wreaks havoc with warnings over disease

Classes across the Philippines were suspended following a powerful typhoon that swept across the country.

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Banning FGM in Gambia: A great victory for girls

A ban on female genital mutilation was nearly reversed in Th Gambia but through civil rights campaigning it was prevented.

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One in three children in Spain are unable to keep cool at home as extreme heat rips through Europe

Extreme heat puts children’s health at risk, locking them out of education and making them increasingly anxious about the future

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PAKISTAN: Children face risk of deadly diseases such as cholera and malaria as floods expected this month

Thousands of children in Pakistan at risk of deadly disease as monsoon rains start

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Child rights groups vow to further drive campaign on female genital mutilation after the Gambia upholds a ban

"Harmful practices like FGM must never be allowed"

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AFGHANISTAN: At least 1,500 children lose their homes as country battered by latest deadly floods

Floods from heavy rains have killed about 40 people in eastern Afghanistan and about 1,500 children have lost their homes Save the Children said.

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Women self-inducing labour and facing life-threatening complications in pregnancy after nine months of Gaza conflict

An estimated 50,000 babies have been born in Gaza over nine months of conflict, with many women giving birth in traumatic, unhygienic and undignified conditions

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Mozambique: Rising violence driving up child marriage in Cabo Delgado province

The violence has also led to the widespread destruction of property and displacement

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SUDAN: Over 1,500 children subjected to extreme violence as conflict breaks records for crimes against children

The number of children killed, injured or facing other grave violations in Sudan soared six-fold in 2023 to a record high

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Gaza's missing children: Over 20,000 children estimated to be lost, disappeared, detained, buried under the rubble or in mass graves

Gaza's missing children: Over 20,000 children estimated to be lost, disappeared, detained, buried under the rubble or in mass graves

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Sierra Leone bans child marriage following campaign joined by girls across the country and Save the Children

Sierra Leone has one of the highest child marriage, early pregnancy and maternal mortality rates in the world

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Formal mechanism to monitor and report on crimes against children in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel must be established, after perpetrators listed in flagship UN Report – Save the Children

Formal mechanism to monitor and report on crimes against children in the occupied Palestinian territory must be established, after perpetrators listed

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India heatwave: Warning issued for four states as heat curbs outdoor play for children

India’s heatwave shows no sign of abating as the country’s meteorological department warned of extreme heat.

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The Power of Play

Explainer outlining the power of play and it's importance for the development of children globally.

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Sudan Staff Account: "The girl’s horrendous experience reminded me of my own experience when an explosive device fell into our compound"

A staff account from a health manager working in Sudan. In this blog he speaks about how the conflict is impacting people in North Darfur.

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Floods in Sri Lanka kill 15 people and force four million children out of classrooms

While monsoon rains are normal in Sri Lanka, impacts such as flooding are now more frequent and severe due to climate change

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Bonn conference: Number of children in crisis levels of hunger due to extreme weather events doubles in past five years – new analysis

Save the Children’s analysis showed that more than 33 million children and 39 million adults live in both the “crisis” phase 3 of hunger as determined by the IPC

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Save the Children to respond to Enga landslide as Papua New Guinea grapples with devastation

Save the Children press release on response to landslide in Papua New Guinea

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SUDAN: Violent attacks on schools and education surge fourfold in one year of conflict

Aid agencies including Save the Children, who work on education in Sudan, warn that the country is on the brink of the worst education crisis in the world

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Bangladesh: Torrential rains turn villages into islands after Cyclone Remal batters coastal areas

Save the Children has sent four emergency response teams to support in the recovery

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Afghanistan: Nearly three in ten children forecast to experience crisis levels of hunger in 2024

Save the Children press release three in ten children in Afghanistan in crisis or emergency levels of hunger

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More than half of Pakistan’s school age children will be out of school due to extreme heat

More than half of Pakistan’s school age children – about 26 million - will be locked out of classrooms for a week due to an ongoing heat wave.

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Drought hits 900,000 families across the Philippines, with some children forced from school to help on farms

A protracted drought across large swathes of the Philippines is impacting over 900,000 families

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Children in Pacific Island countries face increasing levels of violence

Children in Pacific Island countries face increasing levels of violence, a Save the Children study has found.

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Save the Children warns of deadly consequences for children following new relocation orders for families in Rafah

The orders follow a night of intense bombardment in Rafah, killing at least 22 people including eight children

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MALI: 80,000 children trapped and running out of food in second blockaded town

Save the Children press release 80,000 children trapped in Mali blockade no food

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Guide: What to do when parenting under pressure

Guide on "What to do when you are parenting under pressure"

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Heat-stricken Bangladesh extends school closures

Bangladesh has ordered the closure of all primary and secondary schools for another week following country-wide closures brought about by a heatwave.

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Corporal Punishment: At current rate, 60 years needed to meet 2030 target for global ban to protect children

It will take another 60 years to meet a global target to eliminate of all forms of corporal punishment unless the current rate of progress is sped up.

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Bangladesh: Extreme heat closes all schools and forces 33 million children out of classrooms

Extreme heat has forced the closure of all schools in Bangladesh this week, impacting 33 million children

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PEDAL POWER: Community health workers in Cote d’Ivoire get on their bikes to tackle malaria in remote villages

Thousands of community health workers in Cote d’Ivoire are tackling malaria by cycling between remote villages to treat children and educate families.

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Vietnam’s El Niño-induced drought leaves about 73,900 households in Mekong River Delta with limited access to fresh water

About 73,900 households in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta have limited access to fresh water following a weeks-long heatwave. Save the Children.

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Afghanistan: 250,000 children in need of food, homes and education after returning from Pakistan

Save the Children press release on families returning from Pakistan to Afghanistan

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Sudan: Humanitarian appeal for 2024 critically underfunded, raising just one fifth of amount raised to rebuild Notre Dame cathedral

Save the Children press release on Sudan raising one fifth of funds raised for Notre Dame cathedral

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As Thailand gears up to celebrate world’s ‘biggest water fight’, extreme weather risks dampening children’s joy

As Thailand gears up to celebrate world’s biggest water fight, extreme weather risks dampening children’s joy.

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STAFF ACCOUNT - “My grandmother died in transit; the other passengers asked the driver to drop us off because they didn’t want to travel with a dead body.”

Monica* is a 25-year-old woman, who was born in South Sudan but fled to Sudan in 2013 when war broke out and had to flee back to South Sudan last year

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Sudan's year of war: one in two children in the line of fire

During one year of war in Sudan more than 10 million children have been in an active warzone

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Bisan: 6 months of war in Gaza

A month-by-month account of Bisan's experiences of 6 months of war in Gaza.

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PHILIPPINES: Heatwave forces hundreds of schools to shut with classes moved online to beat the heat

Extreme heat in the Philippines has forced hundreds of schools to shut as its government warns temperatures could soar further this week.

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Nine children killed by a single landmine in Afghanistan

Nine children killed by a single landmine in Afghanistan The children - five boys and four girls, all aged between 5 and 10 - found the decades old mi

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Crisis at border of South Sudan and Sudan escalating as about 1,000 people arrive daily even after nearly one year of war

bout 1,000 people a day are fleeing into South Sudan from Sudan after nearly one year of war, arriving in scorching heat and with children in dire nee

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Mongolia's extreme winter: 5.2 million livestock dead as children miss out on school

Mongolia’s extreme winter conditions, or Dzud, shows no sign of abating and Mongolia has lost 5.2 million livestock.

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Ending Child Poverty is a Policy Choice

Over half of the world’s people living in poverty are children. Expanding child-centered social protection programs is proven to reduce child poverty

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Intense rains and floods close schools, destroy crops in the Peruvian Amazon

More than 8,700 people including 3,700 children from indigenous and rural communities affected Classrooms and health centers submerged under water, crop losses are exacerbating hunger, and lack of water has led to disease outbreaks.

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Spike in arrivals of unaccompanied Rohingya children in Indonesia highlights increasing desperation – Save the Children

About 250 unaccompanied Rohingya children arrived in Indonesia in the last three months of 2023.

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"No person should have to make a dangerous journey in search of a better life" says Save the Children after boat carrying Rohingya capsizes off coast of Indonesia

A boat carrying Rohingya refugees reportedly capsized off the coast of Kuala Bubon in Indonesia.

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“I am seeing my son dying and I can’t do anything”: Children and families in Northern Gaza just weeks away from famine

Save the Children press release on hunger in Gaza showing children and families facing imminent famine

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A Tale of Two El Niños: Malawi underwater while neighbour Zambia dries out

Two neighbouring southern Africa nations are battling completely opposite weather disasters this month, with Zambia experiencing its worst drought in

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This Ramadan in Gaza, there will be no dates to break the fast.

Five months into this war, conditions to provide food to children in Gaza are getting worse. This Ramadan in Gaza, things are the wrong way round.

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I'm a Syrian and a Humanitarian: What 13 years of conflict really looks like

Thirteen years of conflict in Syria have led to fear, loss and mass displacement for children. What does the future look like for Syria?

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More than one million children in Haiti – a quarter of the nation’s children – are living in areas controlled or under the influence of armed groups.

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