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Baby Exodus, six months old, recieves childhood vaccinations in Bidi Bidi camp in North Uganda.

Joint CSO Statement on EU pledge to Gavi replenishment

4 Jun 2020 Brussels

Joint CSO Statement on EU pledge to Gavi replenishment

The ONE Campaign, Global Health Advocates, Pandemic Action Network and Save the Children commend the EU’s pledge today to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, of €300 Million. These funds will enable Gavi to continue its life saving work in the world’s poorest countries and will lead to the vaccination of 300 million more children.

Anita Bay, Director of Save the Children Europe.


"Today’s pledge by the European Union is another strong display of leadership on health which Team Europe has showcased during the COVID-19 crisis. Gavi is essential to ensuring that routine immunisation continues so that 20 years of gains on child survival are not rolled back as a result of the crisis." 

Brandon Locke, Policy and Advocacy Manager at The ONE Campaign.

“The EU has shown a remarkable commitment by increasing its previous contribution to Gavi by 50%, which continues its strong dedication to health and prevents future crises by continuing essential routine immunisations. The EU’s President Ursula von der Leyen and Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen recognized the need to tackle tomorrow’s problems today. We look forward to their continued leadership in ensuring that global health is prioritised in the next Multiannual Financial Framework.”

Chantelle Boduel, EU Advocacy Officer at Global Health Advocates.

“Now, more than ever, we see the importance of ensuring equality in access to immunisation services, including any future COVID-19 vaccine. By pledging to Gavi's next cycle, the EU shows support for Gavi's new equality agenda and confirms its leading role towards achieving health for all.”

Eloise Todd, Co-Founder of the Pandemic Action Network.

“GAVI’s role in immunisation is a vital part of both pandemic prevention and response for a range of diseases. We salute the European Commission in making this €300m pledge, and call on President Von der Leyen to keep playing this vital leadership role to make sure the current pandemic response is fully funded, truly global, and leaves a legacy that helps prevent future pandemics - including through the next Multiannual Financial Framework and by prioritizing the global aspects of the COVID Recovery Plan.”

To support Save the Children’s global COVID-19 emergency appeal, click here.


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